Woman Poses as CPS Agent and Allegedly Tries to Kidnap 4-Year-Old Boy After Stroking his Head - the Boy then Goes Inside to Get his Mom in Norwood, OH. Lisa Nacrelli, who Lives Blocks Away, Entered the Home Stating a Claim had been Made Against the Family, Per Reports. Nacrelli was Laer Arrested w/Child Enticement After Attempting to Take the Boy Home, Telling Police she had Been Drinking Since she Woke Up, Per Reports.

Woman Poses as CPS Agent and Allegedly Tries to Kidnap 4-Year-Old Boy After Stroking his Head - the Boy then Goes Inside to Get his Mom in Norwood, OH. Lisa Nacrelli, who Lives Blocks Away, Entered the Home Stating a Claim had been Made Against the Family, Per Reports. Nacrelli was Laer Arrested w/Child Enticement After Attempting to Take the Boy Home, Telling Police she had Been Drinking Since she Woke Up, Per Reports.